Friday, February 27, 2009

Don't ever give up hope.

This will seem so foreign to some of you since all of our kids are different ages with different abilities but tonight my 8th grader attended his first PTA after school event.  No...not the science fair, the math competition or anything else a child with Asperger's/High functioning Autism is good at.  He is this very moment...a junior high skate night.  The same child who couldn't sit in church because everything was too loud...who kept his hands over his ears and would even scream if it got to much.  The same child who walked late has 8 wheels under those same feet. The same child who wouldn't go to the park because he wasn't really sure what would in a constantly changing environment skating round and round the ring.  (O.k.  he's not talking to anyone and he's not socializing with anyone...but that's another post.)  He's there...he's fitting in (kind of) and he doesn't look tense.  While I'm posting to you...I'm really posting for me.  Lorrie, don't ever give up hope.  
Girls...don't ever give up hope.
Exodus 14:14  The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still.


Unknown said...

Sweetness, don't ever give up.....never give up! These are victories ever more sweet because we/our kids have battled harder than the other ones around us can come close to understanding the magnitude of meaning for us. So I am smiling and praising with you.....grab it all you can during those moments they happen. Celebrate, Dear One, Celebrate!

tiptoe mama said...

all I can do is smile. So happy for you.

Anita Nap said...

That is absolutely wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you.

Katie said...

Yea! Thank you. I love hearing about all of the success our kids have.

heather said...

Thank you so much for psoting this. We are exhausted form our church adventure today and needed to hear that some day it may all get better.