We got the letter from the therapist today. The feeding therapist said his medical diagnosis is Dysphagia. I'm still researching this one but it is a swallowing disorder. I've read some stuff on it today and Marshall definitely has some of the symptoms. The therapist said he has a severe feeding disorder. She wrote that he has trouble with pureed foods, such as pudding. He didn't like the lemon pudding but he likes chocolate and vanilla pudding...sometimes. His sensory preferences include highly flavored and low textured foods.
Child/Caregiver Desired Outcomes
1. Marshall will tolerate a variety of foods consistently in order to improve solid food nutrition- Anticipate goal to be achieved within 4 months
2. Marshall will tolerate a) 3 new proteins, b) 3 new starches, and c) 3 new fruits and vegetables- anticipate goal to be achieved within 4 months.
3. Marshall will gain weight properly- Anticipate goal to be achieved within 4 months.
The recommended Model of Therapy for the episode of care associated with these priorities is: frequent
Duration- 4 months
Frequency- 2-4 times monthly
The therapist goals for the episode of care associated with these priorities are:
1. Marshall will accept 10 spoonfulls of textured foods
2. Marshall will tolerate a) 3 new proteins, b) 3 new starches, and c) 3 new fruits or vegetables
3. Marshall will gain weight appropriately
All goals are anticipated to be completed in 4 months.
So there you have it. I'm not crazy after all!! Marshall really does have a feeding disorder. Now, will I share this on my public blog that my family reads? Probably not because they will just tell me, "Well, he eats fine for me!" Yeah, right. Define fine. He eats? He takes a few bites? I post on here because I get support. Non-judgmental support. My Dad is very judgmental and just downright rude. I don't need that.
That is really interesting to hear about he result from Marshall's feeding evaluation. You'll have to let us know what the therapist does to help him because I think many of us have kiddos with a bit of a feeding problem as well. The more techniques we have to try, the better and the more success we'll have. Mason is okay as an eater right now, but my toddler is the one who is giving me fits right now. I swear she lives off fruit cups, goldfish crackers, and fruit snacks. She is just picky and inconsistent about what she'll eat, and Mason ate EVERYTHING at her age. Oh well....typical toddler.
Yes, please share whaqt they do...my 5 year old eats next to nothing, don't know how she survives. And, my little 5 month old has to "try" to feed himself or he won't take the bottle now. All of my kiddos gagged on baby food and wouldn't go anywhere near it!
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