Yeah, sure Marshall. We almost believe you...
This is why I've been MIA lately. Marshall's sleep habits are all messed up. He hasn't slept through the night in I don't know how many days. I've lost track again. His behavior has been so bad lately that it's all I can do to survive my days. I've been trying REALLY hard to stay positive. I've been praying that I can see Marshall as Heavenly Father sees him and love him despite his challenges. I think it's working because I've had more patience with him. Well, with both kids actually. That doesn't mean we've had it easy here. The ADHD doc we see said we have to get Marshall's behavior problems under control now or we're gonna be reading about him in the paper. The doctor said he needs counseling but my options for that are only Wasatch Mental Health, which I have had ZERO positive experiences with. I'd rather not waste my time. So now we're trying Ritalin in addition to Risperdal. He also takes Clonidine for sleep. So, that's what has been going on here. Sorry I have no time to comment on anything. Welcome everyone who is new. Hopefully soon things will settle down enough that I can read more and blog more. I'm also Cubmaster for 2 Packs and currently filling in for the Wolf Den Leader as well so I'm INCREDIBLY busy (and tired).
*bowing repeatedly* You are amazing. Keep your chin up. It seems really out of line to say that your son will "be in the paper" if you don't get him under control. Do your best (it sounds like you are) and keep relying on the Lord, he won't let you down.
Thanks Katie. I agree with the doctor on his comment though. Marshall also likes to touch people in the "privates". He hits his brother in the crotch all the time (his brother is almost 10 and Marshall is 4), he tries to touch my breasts intentionally. One day he walked up to my downstairs neighbor and put his face in her crotch on purpose. Disgusting and embarrassing!! This boy is out of control and it's not due to bad parenting. We're doing the best we can and we are totally NOT permissive parents. We just take it one day at a time. We're really hoping the feeding therapy will help soon. We are so burned out on his feeding issues. I never know what to make for dinner that he might possibly try a smidgen of.
Just a thought....If you wanted to go through LDS family services for counseling, you can talk to your bishop about helping financially. The ward will usually help you pay for the services if you can't. You don't have to go through the bishop to get an appointment or anything though.
You need a hug! I really hope that things can settled down for you soon, and you can get the help that you need. Sounds like you are doing all you can, so just keep it up and something will give! Take it as easy as you can and please let us know how we can help.
I'm sorry you are so busy and life is so crazy. YOu have to admit though, Marshall is a cute little sleeper! I think counseling through the church is a good idea. Hang in there.
Thanks everyone. I guess my only reason for holding back on counseling is that I can't understand how it can help a 4 yr old?! He can talk up a storm but when you want to talk to him about why he does something, he won't talk. He only has one sided conversations. He pretty much tells you what your answer should be. He talks over you, getting louder and louder until you say something.
He is a cute boy though. Even when he is asleep. Now you all know why my name is Anita Nap. :D
You know what? My brother-in-law is a child and family psychologist who counsels a lot of young kids. He says it is amazing what progress can be made in those sessions. If you want, I could ask him if he thinks it is a good avenue to pursue with Marshall.
Sure, that would be great. I just hope if we pursue that, we can actually get someone DECENT. I'm SO SICK of Wasatch Mental Health. I've taken both boys there numerous times to different counselors and I never had any success.
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