Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jonahs CPT

This is jonahs Vest that I ahve been waiting for, This video was taken at the hospital but now we have one at home, I will post a new shot when I can get time. I just wanted to share a piece of Jonah's therapy with you.


Melissa said...

So how many times a day do you have to do that? And when do you have time for anything else?? LOL! You are a great mom with alot to do. You are an inspiration to me! Isn't it amazing how long these little things can take in your day?

Jessica said...

You make me laugh Melissa, but it's the truth, sometimes I feel like there are not enough hours in the day! He has treatment 2-3 times a day, when he goes in for respiratory "clean Out" they do it like 4-5 times a day plus an over load of antibiotics, right now he is on antibiotics 3 days a week... not too bad, but not much fun!

ks said...

Oh, I so love CPT! We had it many times during our daughter's first few years. He is so sweet. :)

nancy said...

Does it make him shake? I think I am confused. He is such a cutie. I am glad you got the eQuipment at home.

Jessica said...

Yes the machine shakes him and then the shaking knocks off the sucreations (mucus) that is settling on and in his lungs. He does the vest with 3 different inhaled treatments, in return this activates a mucusy cough to help move things along, with J he is not really coughing...I dont know...