Thursday, September 24, 2009

Radio Flyer

* I posted this same post over at my blog*
Birthdays didn't mean much to me until I had a baby. Then the only thing important to me is making Tyler happy. With that in mind every time his birthday rolls around and me and Dallas get to give him gifts I try so hard to find something that invokes a smile and HOURS of fun and joy.

Last year my sweet little man got a basketball hoop and a chair. That chair is the grossest most loved piece of furniture we own! This year I went in search of the perfect "chair" to give him.

I found the perfect cake for the perfect party but couldn't think of the perfect gift. We went to the toy store and once again found a perfect "gift" but it wasn't "the chair."

I wanted to get Ty a bike but knew that his Cerebral palsy wouldn't allow him to hold on and still ride at the same time. I researched and researched and found a good alternative at the toy store.

A Radio Flyer

Dallas put it together tonight and some little boy LOVED it.

He really really liked being able to ride the bike.
Though we need to make some adaptations to the pedals and it will take a lot to get him to ride it on his own he was such a big kid and he wouldn't stop smiling.
He was pointing up the street and telling his dad he "wanted to go there PLEASE."
The mom had tears in her eyes and she watched him go. Flying up the street as fast as our feet would take him. As we would slow down and turn around he couldn't get his hands up fast enough to sign "more please."
The simple joys of life. The simple joys a 3 wheeled radio flyer will bring.

1 comment:

tiptoe mama said...

[grinning ear to ear for you.]